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Chapter 142 Website

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Colonel William E. Weber, Chapter #142,
K.W.V.A. of Frederick County, Maryland, Inc.
- VA Services -

Non-VA Emergency Care Fact Sheet
An Excerpt from the October 2013 Newsletter

Non-VA Emergency Fact Sheet

Presentation by Mr. Paul Prozialeck
Director, Veterans Service & Benefits Program
Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs

An Excerpt from October 19, 2010 Meeting Minutes

On October 19, 2010, during the KWVA Chapter #142 Meeting, Commander Davis announced and introduced The Guest Speaker: Mr. Paul Prozialeck, Director of the Veterans Service & Benefits Program at the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, since 2001, prior to that Mr. Prozialeck worked for the V.A. for more than 30 years.

Mr. Prozialeck brought along booklets and hand outs for the membership, those not present can come by the Chapter and pick up copies, as follows:

  • 3x5 card with vital telephone numbers and an e-mail address;
  • Cemetery Program;
  • Federal Benefits for Veterans ( 2009 Edition );
  • Maryland Veterans State Benefits & Information Guide, Summer 2008;
  • The Maryland Veteran, MDVA Summer 2010 Newsletter.

He reviewed the booklets, spoke about the new Out Reach Program; Veterans Home located in St. Mary's County ( Southern Maryland ). He spoke about the State of Maryland Memorial Parks for WW-2, Korean War Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Mr. Prozialeck placed strong emphasis, "an individual should never approach the V.A. on his or her own for questions for benefits, without a "Service Officer" either from his office, DAV; AMVETS; American Legion; Paralyzed Veterans; Maryland Department." He stated that they are equip to cut through the "red tape", know what is needed i.e. required "paper work", can save the Veteran a lot of time and aggravation, plus the State of Maryland pays him and his staff to help Veterans with claims and questions. "Get a Service Officer to represent you" !

The local representative is Mr. George Kauffman, who works for Mr. Prozialeck. Mr. Kauffman's office is located at

Mr. George Kauffman
100 W. Patrick Street, Room # 2120,
Frederick, Maryland 21701.
Telephone # 301-694-2155;
Fax # 301-631-8138.

The Veteran must give the Department "Power of Attorney", there is NO CHARGE for this service and representation. The Veteran must bring with him the DD-214, Separation Papers, Medical Records in the possession of the Veteran for easy access. The V.A. may send for verification of records if lost or destroyed. If the Veteran left the Service after October 1979 the Department of Maryland has a record of the Veterans service. The Department has 5 volumes of all of the Veterans from Maryland between WW-2 and October 1979. The Veteran can get information from St. Louis and can do it on line, it takes approx. 3 weeks after Form 180 is submitted either in writing or on line. The best way to get the telephone numbers, addresses or e-mail addresses is to contact the Service Officer, in Frederick, Mr. George Kaufman. His office is open 5 days a week from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, unless he is called to the main office filing a Veterans claim or attending a meeting. Call before coming to his office, he no longer mans the Hagerstown Office, for now Hagerstown is vacant. There are a total of 9 Service Officers in Maryland. The Frederick Office telephone number is : 301-600-2155 as stated above.

Mr. Prozialeck touched upon the 5 Veteran Cemeteries in Maryland and one Federal Cemetery in Baltimore that is full up except for cremation burials. He suggested a "Pre-Apply" or reservation for a space @ no charge. It is done on a single page application form. One must be a resident of Maryland to be considered for burial or;

  1. A Maryland resident when you entered the Service;
  2. Official Maryland resident when the Veteran dies;
  3. At least 2 years of residency if one wants burial in Maryland and dies elsewhere to be buried in Maryland, at "No Charge".

Items at "No Charge" in a Veterans Cemetery as follows:

  • Open and close a grave;
  • Concrete Liner;
  • Plot Allowance;
  • American Flag;
  • Honors,

all arranged by The Funeral Home Director.

A spouse can be buried with you in the same burial plot either before of after the death of the Veteran, along with a separate concrete liner. Certain children, under the age of 18 years, or helpless children can be buried with or next to the Veteran, the Funeral Home Director can advise as to the decision.

Arlington National Cemetery, VA. is presently run by the U.S. Army, a reservation is required, certain medals i.e. Purple Heart, Medal of Honor etc. go to the top of the waiting list. Easier for a Veteran to be buried at Arlington if cremated, spouses can be buried with the Veteran if cremated.............The Department of Veterans Affairs are responsible for the maintenance of cemeteries as well as The National Cemetery in Maryland.

Private Cemeteries: If the Veteran dies from a Service Connected disability there is usually a $2,000.00 allowance if one is 100% disabled and dies from that particular disability, however that item must be decided by the V.A. Any other Veteran survivor should receive a $300.00 allowance, Veteran must be over the age of 65 years. The VA considers any Veteran over the age of 65 to be disabled. See the Service Officer for clarification as to burial and cemetery Veterans benefits.

Veterans Pensions: To qualify a Veteran must be over the age of 65 years, must prove that the Veteran has a very low income. The VA will grant the "Pension", it can be as much as $14,000.00 a year. The spouse may qualify as well, the spouse can receive as much as $8,000.00 a year, death pension, or could be as little as $5.00 ( five dollars ) a month. The Veteran or spouse must get "representation" from a Service Officer who can provide the information, paper work and required forms that show the Veterans income status. The Maryland Department will not represent a fraudulent claim, the Veteran must be honest and "up front" at all times.

Head stones and grave markers ( flat plaques ) can be provided for Private Cemeteries, however the VA will not pay for installation. A Veteran can NOW receive a "Branch of Service" disk as well as the flat plaque grave marker.

Any Federal Cemetery will take any Veteran.

If the Veteran is Retired Military and requests burial in a private cemetery, the Veteran is entitled to

  • a Grave Marker;
  • a Disk;
  • a Plot Allowance;
  • Burial Allowance and Honors.

All Funeral Homes know of this service, they also know about the Funeral-Burial Benefits and should be consulted at the time of death, be sure the survivors provide the DD-214 or Separation Papers to the Funeral Director.

Veterans Home in St. Mary's County, for application information see brochures or a Service Officer, a "co-pay" may be required under certain circumstances. There is a Veterans Trust Fund, the Veterans Home accepts donations to help the Veterans in residence, should The Chapter wish to send funds from a fund raiser program the Veterans Trust Fund appreciates all donations.

Veterans can apply for a "Needy Grant", to apply see the Service Officer. If an organization would like to receive funds to purchase a vehicle to transport Veterans to and from Veterans hospitals, facilities, that organization can apply to the VA for a grant for a vehicle. See the Service Officer for information, help and required paper work and forms.

Any Veteran can receive a copy of The Maryland Veteran News Letter, available twice a year, just for the asking, also available on line.

Can the Chapter obtain additional brochures and pamphlets that can be distributed at "Chapter Fund Raisers" ? Mr. Prozialeck stated the Service Officers have surplus copies for the Chapter's use. Kindly call before hand so that the Service Officer can have a supply ready for a pick-up.

Every State has a Depart of Veterans Affairs, should a Veteran decide to leave Maryland and needs assistance he advises the Veteran to contact the State Service Officer.

Mr. Prozialeck at the conclusion of his talk was presented the wood Chapter Plaque from Chapter 142 and a CD concerning The Korean War, donated by Colonel Weber.

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Last Updated: October 29, 2010